
Research assistant grant (CSIC JAE-Intro Program) on High Nature Value Pastoral Systems

A new call of CSIC's JAE-Intro Program will bepublished tomorrow 20/4/2024. The Program offers 6-month contracts as research assistant (20 hours/week), aimed at initiating MSc or last-year BSc students in the design and development of research activities. It will be opened for one month, until 20/5/2024.

You can find all the information on the program at: https://sede.csic.gob.es/intro2024

The Spatial Ecology Group will offer a grant position (training program) based at the Doñana Biological Staiton headquarters in Sevilla, with the following title and focus:

Adaptive management of High Nature Value pastoral systems hosting wild and domestic ungulates facing climate change

The work will be developed in the framework of project RESILGRAZE, which aims at developing evidence-based, adaptive management strategies that optimize the balance between pastoral livestock farming, wildlife conservation, ecosystem services, and ecosystem resilience in Europe’s (Mediterranean- and temperate-climate) Atlantic ecosystems facing climate change. The project will develop knowledge and tools aimed at fostering the adaptive management of wild (red, fallow and/or roe deer) and domestic (cattle, horse) ungulates in two iconic Natural Protected Areas of Spain’s Mediterranean and Atlantic region: Doñana National Park (DNP) and Serra de Xistral (SX). Key ecosystem services targeted by the interventions include carbon storage, soil fertility, pasture production, water provision, prevention of forest fires – and, more generally, the conservation of biodiversity. 

The grantee will participate in the design, execution and analyses of field and remote-sensing surveys at both DNP and SX, including the acquisition of data on vegetation composition, plant production and consumption, and C and N stocks; the adquisition and analysis of animal movement and behaviour data obtained with GPS collars ang camera traps; the analysis of ungulaye diet, body condition and health based on DNA and biochemical analyses of fecal samples; and/or the anthropological and socio-economic analyses of the pastoral and nature-conservation systems, including the analysis of the relationship between sense of belonging and ecosystem conservation/services. Emphasis on a each of these different aspects, as well as between field, lab and desk work will be adjusted depending on the applicant’s background and interest.

The specific position (training plan) cannot be selected during the application procedure (see  art. 12.8 of the call). Instead, they will be selected by the successful candidates, follwoing the resolution of the selection process. Hence, they will be published in the near future, at: https://sede.csic.gob.es/intro2024


EoI within FPU-2023 PhD grant program / Oferta de plan de formación para un contrato predoctoral en la convocatoria FPU 2023

FPU2023 Landscape-level effects of multi-species, plant-herbivore interactions in European Atlantic ecosystems

The research will be developed in the framework of the project Increasing the resilience of High Nature Value pastoral systems hosting wild and domestic ungulates RESILGRAZE, aimed at developing evidence-based, adaptive management strategies to optimize the balance between pastoral livestock farming, wildlife conservation, ecosystem services, and ecosystem resilience in Europe’s (Mediterranean- and temperate-climate) Atlantic ecosystems facing climate change. The project will obtain and analyze field, remote-sensing and animal movement data, with the aim of fostering the development of adaptive co-management programs in four iconic Natural Protected Areas within that region: Doñana National Park (SW Spain), Serra de Xistral (NW Spain), Lauwersmeer (Netherlands) and Cairngorms (UK).

The project will obtain and analyze field, remote-sensing and animal movement data, with the aim of fostering the development of adaptive co-management programs in four iconic Natural Protected Areas within that region: Doñana National Park (DNP), Serra de Xistral (SX), Lauwersmeer (LW) and Cairngorms (CG). Key ecosystem services targeted by the programs will include carbon storage, soil fertility, pasture production, water provision, prevention of forest fires – and, more generally, the conservation of biodiversity. RESILGRAZE will therefore use a transdisciplinary battery of approaches, methods and techniques to develop sustainable management practices that ensure the long-term conservation of the natural value of these (protected) areas.

The grantee will participate in the design, execution and analyses of field and remote-sensing surveys at the different sites (with a larger effort devoted to the two Spanish sites, DNP and SX), which may include: (i) vegetation composition, plant production and consumption, and C and N stocks; (ii) animal behaviour, movement and space use the analysis of images obtained with camera-traps and drones, combined with movement data obtained with GPS collars; and (iii) food selection, digestion efficiency and body condition by ungulates, using biochemical (cortisol) and barcoding analyses of faecal samples. Emphasis on these different aspects will be decided while designing the PhD work-plan, in the first trimester of the work period.

The research of the PhD student will be related to a broader assessment of the long-term effects of climate change on plant-herbivore dynamics and ecosystem function (e.g., carbon and nutrient dynamics, water storage and purification) at multiple-spatial scales, ranging from the individual to the landscape level and including the interplay between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The project activities and results will represent a suitable departure point from which the PhD student will be able to add in-depth studies of the effects of ungulates on other elements of the (aquatic and terrestrial) ecosystems placed along the project’s broad latitudinal gradient, and the impact of climate change thereupon.

The student will benefit from the scientific excellence, interdisciplinarity and internationality of the research team in developing such topics, which are in the cutting edge of current research in ecology, biological conservation and climate change. He/she will be supervised by the two senior researchers of the research team, Luis Santamaría (EBD-CSIC). She/he will also receive the support of the three senior members of the research team (and

Jaime Fagúndez
, Universidade da Coruña, Silvia Pérez-Espona at The University of Edinburgh, and Chris Smit at the University of Groningen), which will offer their centers and research facilities be visited during two of the three research stays abroad planned. These researchers could also participate as co-supevisors, depending on the PhD candidate’s choice. In principle, he/she will enroll in the PhD programs available at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Sevilla (Programa de Doctorado en Medio Ambiente y Sociedad), where LS has been a lecturer for the last six years. The program includes a broad spectrum of training activities that, in addition to more traditional program of lectures, includes annual PhD-student symposia, seminars, alumni meetings and business-orientation events. It also offers annually mobility grants, complementary those offered by the grant's funding agency, which will be sought for the development of international stages and training actions.

Following the requirements of mobility of the PhD program, the PhD student will be expected to attend a minimum of two top-quality international courses, such as those addressing animal movement ecology (e.g., Marx Plank’s AniMove, University of Amsterdam’s Animal Movement Analysis); and to make at least two international visits (e.g., at the aforementioned research centers of the two other senior researchers of the project). She/he will also benefit by the numerous support activities offered by EBD-CSIC, which include weekly seminars by first-line international researchers; the opportunity to receive annual supervision by an (international) steering committee; access to EBD’s and CSIC’s training activities, including the annual course in animal welfare; and several courses of high relevance for his/her research topic (e.g. remote sensing, GIS, UAVs, experimental design, statistical analyses, modelling).

See the web page of CSIC's training program  for more details.


Oferta de beca JAE-Intro ICU en Restauración Adaptativa de Humedales / Research assistant grant on Adaptive Wetland Restoration

Ofrecemos una de las becas de introducción a la investigación para estudiantes universitarios en la nueva convocatoria JAE Intro ICU. El plazo de solicitudes estará abierto desde el 31/01/24 hasta el 14/02/24.

Se trata de la Expresión de Interés EBD-ICU-06, titulada “Restauración Adaptativa en marismas
mediterráneas: análisis histórico del desempeño de los planes de restauración desarrollados en el Espacio Natural de Doñana”.

El trabajo se enmarcará en el proyecto WaterLands, dentro de su Tarea 1.2. (Identify scalable solutions for wetland restoration and management). Esta tarea se centra en el desarrollo de sistemas de apoyo a la decisión para guiar el diseño de estrategias de restauración adaptativa tomando el conocimiento generado de restauraciones llevadas a cabo y aplicado a restauraciones en proceso. El diseño de las estrategias está basado en el co-diseño robusto, la monitorización de resultados, y la evaluación/refinamiento de intervenciones mediante ciclos colaborativos de aprendizaje en acción ('learning by doing'). En este proyecto las restauraciones en el Espacio Natural de Doñana sirven de ejemplo y son fuente de conocimiento clave para el diseño de estrategias de restauración adaptativa de humedales costeros.

De forma complementaria al trabajo desarrollado por el personal del proyecto en esta tarea, la persona candidata realizará una evaluación de las sinergias y compromisos entre diferentes servicios ecosistémicos en los proyectos de restauración ecológica realizados en marismas y estuarios del Espacio Natural de Doñana durante los últimos 30 años. El foco principal del estudio estará en el balance entre almacenaje de carbono, conservación de la biodiversidad y sus interacciones con otros servicios ecosistémicos.

La metodología incluirá: (1) El uso combinado de información a escala de paisaje, para evaluar el grado de cumplimiento de elementos críticos de la restauración ecológica, utilizando un marco de co-gestión adaptativa. (2) La obtención, procesado y análisis de datos de indicadores clave para evaluar el éxito de los diferentes objetivos de la restauración, en una selección de localidades en áreas restauradas y control (no restauradas) a lo largo de la marisma y lagunas del E.N. de Doñana. (3) La evaluación de los procesos de participación, co-diseño, monitoreo, co-gestión y aprendizaje social involucrados. El énfasis en cada uno de estos elementos se ajustará al conocimiento, experiencia e interés de la persona candidata.

Buscamos un graduado o magister en ciencias sociales o naturales, con experiencia en investigación transdisciplinar enfocada en la gestión de ecosistemas y recursos naturales, y/o la restauración ecológica. Se valorará la experiencia en co-gestión adaptativa (CAM), biodiversidad y ciclaje de carbono en humedales, restauración de humedales, procesos de participación y co-diseño, análisis espacial basado en SIG y/o sistemas de apoyo a la decisión (DSS).

Puedes consultar toda la información de la convocatoria aquí: https://sede.csic.gob.es/icu2024




Visita nuestra actividad en la Noche Europea de l@s Investigador@s



(See English version below)

El próximo 29 de setiembre, el equipo del Grupo de Ecología Espacial estará presente de nuevo en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores celebrada en Sevilla, con una version mejorada y ampliada de la actividad Los herbívoros se mueven, pero sus recursos no: ¿Podemos proteger la vegetación de Doñana ante el cambio climático?

Esta actividad, basada en el trabajo que desarrollamos actualmente dentro de los proyecto SUMHAL-WP3 y RESILGRAZE, buscará familiarizar a los participantes con los ungulados del Parque Nacional de Doñana. Para ello, presentará varios ejemplos prácticos de las metodologías que usamos para investigar su comportamiento trófico, uso del espacio e interacciones con la vegetación. También mostrará algunos ejemplos de las actuaciones de gestión realizadas para reducir el impacto que genera la sobreherbivoría en este espacio protegido.


NextSeptember 29th, a team of the Spatial Ecology Group will be present during the European Researchers' Night in Sevilla. They will present the activity Herbivores move, but their food resources don't: Will we be able to protect Doñana's vegetation against climate change? 

The activity is based on current research undertook by projects SUMHAL-WP3 and RESILGRAZE. It aims at familiarizing participants with Doñana's ungulates. For this purpose, it will introduce the methodologies used to investigate their trophic behaviour, space use and interactions with the vegetation. It will also show several examples of the management measures used to reduce their impact on the vegetation of this iconic protected area.



PhD (FPI) position offered at project RESILGRAZE


If you are a recently-graduated MSc student interested in the landscape-level effects of multi-species, plant-herbivore interactions, you may want to consider our opening in the forthcoming call for PhD grants of the Spanish Ministry of Science ('Contratación predoctoral PRE Agencia Estatal de Invegación AEI', soon to be announced here).

The research will be developed in the framework of the project Increasing the resilience of High Nature Value pastoral systems hosting wild and domestic ungulates RESILGRAZE, aimed at developing evidence-based, adaptive management strategies to optimize the balance between pastoral livestock farming, wildlife conservation, ecosystem services, and ecosystem resilience in Europe’s (Mediterranean- and temperate-climate) Atlantic ecosystems facing climate change. 

The project will obtain and analyze field, remote-sensing and animal movement data, with the aim of fostering the development of adaptive co-management programs in four iconic Natural Protected Areas within that region: Doñana National Park (DNP), Serra de Xistral (SX), Lauwersmeer (LW) and Cairngorms (CG). Key ecosystem services targeted by the programs will include carbon storage, soil fertility, pasture production, water provision, prevention of forest fires – and, more generally, the conservation of biodiversity. RESILGRAZE will therefore use a transdisciplinary battery of approaches, methods and techniques to develop sustainable management practices that ensure the long-term conservation of the natural value of these (protected) areas.

The grantee will participate in the design, execution and analyses of field and remote-sensing surveys at the different sites (with a larger effort devoted to the two Spanish sites, DNP and SX), including (i) vegetation composition, plant production and consumption, and C and N stocks; (ii) animal behaviour, movement and space use the analysis of images obtained with camera-traps and drones, combined with movement data obtained with GPS collars; and (iii) food selection, digestion efficiency and body condition by ungulates, using biochemical (cortisol) and barcoding analyses of faecal samples. Emphasis on these different aspects will be decided while designing the work-plan, in the first trimester of the work period. 

The research project of the PhD student will be related to a broader assessment of
the long-term effects of climate change on plant-herbivore dynamics and ecosystem function (e.g.,
carbon and nutrient dynamics) at multiple-spatial scales, ranging from the individual to the
landscape level and including the interplay between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The
project activities and results will represent a suitable departure point from which the PhD student
will be able to add in-depth studies of the effects of ungulates on other elements of the (aquatic
and terrestrial) ecosystems placed along the project’s broad latitudinal gradient, and the impact
of climate change thereupon.

The student will benefit from the scientific excellence, interdisciplinarity and internationality of the research team in developing such topics, which are in the cutting edge of current research in ecology, biological conservation and climate change. He/she will be co-supervised by the two senior researchers of the research team, Luis Santamaría (EBD-CSIC) and Jaime Fagúndez (UC). She/he will also receive the support of the two senior members of the research team (Silvia Pérez-Espona at The University of Edinburgh, and Chris Smit at the University of Groningen), which will offer their centers and research facilities be visited during two of the three research stays abroad planned. In principle, he/she will enroll in the PhD programs available at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Sevilla (Programa de Doctorado en Medio Ambiente y Sociedad), where LS has been a lecturer for the last six years. The program includes a broad spectrum of training activities that, in addition to more traditional program of lectures, includes annual PhD-student symposia, seminars, alumni meetings and business-orientation events. It also offers annually mobility grants, complementary those offered by the grant's funding agency, which will be sought for the development of international stages and training actions.

Following the requirements of mobility of the PhD program, the PhD student will be expected to attend a minimum of two top-quality international courses, such as those addressing animal movement ecology (e.g., Marx Plank’s AniMove, University of Amsterdam’s Animal Movement Analysis); and to make at least two international visits (e.g., at the aforementioned  research centers of the two other senior researchers of the project). She/he will also benefit by the numerous support activities offered by EBD-CSIC, which include weekly seminars by first-line international researchers; the opportunity to receive annual supervision by an (international) steering committee; access to EBD’s and CSIC’s training activities, including the annual course in animal welfare; and several courses of high relevance for his/her research topic (e.g. remote sensing, GIS, UAVs, experimental design, statistical analyses, modelling).

You can find a description of our offert (EoI, in Spanish), together with contact details and a PhD training plan (in English), as well as other PhD offerts, at CSICs' web site.