Two new publications of the LSE are now out.
One has just come in paper (see the cover of the special issue, with pics of Cíes island, Eyed Lizard and Corema fruits in the center and lower-left corner):
Piazzon, M., Larrinaga, A.R., Rodríguez-Pérez, J., Latorre, L., Navarro, L., Santamaría, L. Seed dispersal by lizards in a continental island: predicting inter-specific variation in seed shadows based on adultplant distribution and lizard movement patterns. Journal of Biogeography.
And the other is available on early view:
Viana, D.S., Santamaria, L., Michot, T.C., Figuerola, J. (2012) Migratory strategies of waterbirds shape the continental-scale dispersal of aquatic organisms. Ecography.