
Luis Santamaría Galdón.
Senior researcher. 

Research interests: Plant-animal interactions ; animal and plant movement; wetland ecology; adaptive co-management; policy analysis.

Phone: +34 955149383

María Belenguer Manzanedo
Research interests: Adaptive restoration, carbon storage, GHG emssions, wetland conservation, environmental pollution, toicology.
Current project: WaterLANDS
Phone: +34 954232340

Juan M. Giralt Rueda
. Postgraduate researcher.

Research interests: animal demography, animal movement, plant-herbvore interactions.

Current projects: GRAZE.

Marina Moreno. Research assistant.
Current projects: SUMHAL

Jorge Monje.
 Research assistant.

Current and past projects: SUMHAL, ADAPTAMED.

Jose María Romero. Research assistant.
Current projects: SUMHAL.

Past members

Álvaro Martín Huelva worked as research assistant for ADAPTAMED and SUMHAL, where he studied  tree recruitment, vegetation produciton and biodiversity - and the effect of the effect of large herbivores (and management intervewntions aimed at reducing it) thereupon.

He currently works as environmental police officer ('agente de medio ambiente') of the Andalusian Government.

Nacho Villar worked as post-doctoral researcher in project SUMHAL, where he focused on the effect of herbivores on wetland vegetation.
He currently works as post-docotoral researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (KNAW-NIOO) in Wageningen (The Netherlands).

Pablo Fernández Méndez worked as post-doctoral researcher in project H2020-ECOPOTENTIAL, where he focused on the analyses of images derived from social media, participatory modelling and socio-ecosystem analyses.

He currently works as postdoctoral researcher at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV).


Sebastián Palacios Ojeda worked as research assistant in project  NATALIEN, where he carried out field work and laboratory work with both native and invasive, lizards and ants.

He currently works for Doñana's biodiversity monitoring program, at EBD-CSIC.



Carles Molina Rubio

Carlos worked as research assistant in projects GENSABINA and NATALIEN, where he carried out molecular analysis and field work.

He currently works as lectured and head of the department of Security and Environment at the Rambla Prim High School.

Amparo Lázaro

Amparo worked as post-doctoral researcher (Juan de la Cierva Program) on the effect of resource barriers and nectar thieves on plant-pollinator (co)evolution.

She currently holds a tenured position at IMEDEA's Department of Global Change Research.

Asier Rodríguez Larrinaga

Asier worked, as postdoctoral researcher, on animal-mediated dispersal and the management of biological invasions.

He currently work as researcher at the Galician Biological Mision (Misión Biológica de Galicia, CSIC) and senior consultant at eNeBaDa

Lucía Latorre Piñeiro

Lucía defended her PhD in September 2013. She moved then to work as Invasive Species Project Officer at the Seychelles Islands Foundation, on the island of Praslin.

She is currenly working as Project Coordinator at SEO Birdlife (Oficina Técnica Illes Balears, Mallorca, Spain).

Beatriz Gozalo 

Beatriz was a project-funded technician. Her work focused on analyzing the effect of urbanization on the biodiversity and functioning of urban ecosystems, with an specific focus on forest birds, vegetation structure and soil characteristics.

She is currently a member of the Dryland Ecology and Global Change Lab led by Fernando Maestre at the Universitat d' Alacant (Spain).

Ainhoa Magrach. 

Ainhoa defended her PhD, focused on the effect of lanscape fragmentation on plant-animal interactions, in March 2011. She is currently working as posdoctoral researcher at the Basque Centre for Climate Change.

Bertha Isabel Cid. Post-graduate researcher.
Bertha worked as post-graduate researcher, undertaking research on the ecology and colonization ability of aquatic macrophytes. She is currently working as lecturer at Colegio Wexford in Queretaro, México.